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Areas of Specialization

Environmental Justice, Food Sovereignty, Indigenous Food systems, Sustainable Development, Public Policy, Indigenous Philosophies of Well-Being, Indigenous Entrepreneurship,  Sustainable Agriculture, International Food Security, International Development,  Indigenous and Western Research Methodologies.



Syracuse University (Tenure Track) Fall 2021

Assistant Professor, Environmental Humanities: Native American and Indigenous Studies


University of Wisconsin, Madison (Tenure Track) Fall 2019

Assistant Professor, Civil Society and Community Studies


California State University, Northridge (Tenure Track) Fall 2018

Assistant Professor of Indigenous Studies and Sustainability Studies

2016 -2018

Brown University

Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of American Studies and Ethnic Studies and the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America (CSREA)



The University of Auckland – New Zealand

Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dissertation: “Through an Indigenous Lens Food Security is Food Sovereignty: Case Studies of Māori of

                         Aotearoa and Quechua people of Peru.”

Committee: Professor Nigel Haworth (advisor) and Dr Rachel Wolfgramm (advisor)

Subfields: Indigenous Studies, Decolonizing Methodologies, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, Public

                   Policy, Management and Governance.


Massey University – New Zealand

Masters of Management and International Business

Thesis: “Sustainable Development in South America: A Case Study of the Agricultural Sector of Peru”

Advisors: Associate Professor Gabriel Eweje and Dr Andrew Asquith

Subfields: Latin American Studies, Development, Agriculture, Food Systems, International Relations,

Postgraduate Diploma in International Business and Development                                                 

(First Class Division Award)

Subfields: Development Studies, Public Policy and International Relations


Book Manuscript: Published August 2024

Recovering our ancestral foodways: Indigenous traditions as a recipe for living well

University of California Press


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

*In Spanish


Huambachano, Mariaelena, Arulingam Indika, Bowness Ewan, Korzenszky Anna, Mungai Catherine, Termine Paola and Wittman Hannah. “Knowledge networks to support youth engagement in sustainable food systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.


Huambachano, Mariaelena and Cooper, Lauren. Values, Knowledge, and Rights Shaping Land Use in the Peruvian Amazon: The Shimaa and Diamante Case Studies. Case studies in the Environment, 4:1-14


Lori DiPrete Brown, Sumudu Atapattu, Valerie Stull, Claudia Irene Calderón, Mariaelena Huambachano, Marie Josée Paula Houénou, Anna Snider and Andrea Monzón. From a Three- Legged Stool to a Three-Dimensional World: Integrating Rights, Gender and Indigenous Knowledge into Sustainability Practice and Law. Sustainability, 12: 1-22


Huambachano, Mariaelena. Indigenous food sovereignty: Reclaiming food as sacred medicine in Aotearoa New Zealand and Peru. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 43(3): 1-7


*Huambachano, Mariaelena. Soberanía alimentaria indígena: Recuperando el alimento como medicina sagrada en Aotearoa Nueva Zelanda y Perú. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 43(3): 1-7



Huambachano, Mariaelena. Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Foodways in the Andes of Peru. Review of International American Studies, 12(1), 87-110.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. Enacting food sovereignty in Aotearoa New Zealand and Peru: revitalizing Indigenous knowledge, food practices and ecological philosophies, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, (2) 9, 1003-102 DOI:10.1080/21683565.2018.1468380


Huambachano, Mariaelena. “Food Security and Indigenous knowledge: El Buen Vivir-Sumaq Kawsay in Peru and Tē Atānoho New Zealand, Māori-New Zealand,” The International Journal of Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 5 (3), 33-47.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. Carbon Emissions Scheme: Analysis of the Impact of the NZ ETS, The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, Volume 8, (1), 51-59

Termansen, Mette, Sander Jacobs, Ram Pandit, Tuyeni Mwampamba, Nicolas Dendoncker, Marije Schaafsma, Victoria Contreras, David Gonzáles-Jiménez, Haripriya Gundimeda, Heera Lee, Anna Filyushkina, Huambachano Mariaelena, Ignacio Palomo, Antonio J. Castro. "Five steps towards transformative valuation of nature." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64: 101344.


Sander Jacobs, Eszter Kelemen, Patrick O’Farrell, Adrian Martin, Marije Schaafsma, Nicolas Dendoncker, Ram Pandit, Tuyeni Mwampamba, Ignacio Palomo, Antonio J Castro, Huambachano Mariaelena, Anna Filyushkina and Haripriya Gunimeda. “The pitfalls of plural valuation”. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64: 101345


Schaafsma, M, Ahn, S, Huambachano, Mariaelena., et al. “Whose values count? A review of the nature valuation studies with a focus on justice.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64:101350


Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Huambachano, Mariaelena., et al. “Diverse Values of Nature for Sustainability.” Nature 620, 813–823.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. “Seeding a Movement: Indigenous Food Sovereignty”. University of Miami Law Review.78 (2), 1-19.


Book Chapters


Huambachano, Mariaelena. “The Role of Indigenous Values and Traditions For Restoring Indigenous Food Sovereignty”. In Nancy Postero, Irma Alicia Velasquez Nimatuj, Katharina Rickshtul, and John Andrew McNeish. Routledge Handbook on Critical Indigenous Development. Taylor Francis and Group Limited.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. “Indigenous good living philosophies and regenerative food systems in Aotearoa New Zealand and Peru,” in Jessica Duncan, Michael Carolan, Johannes S.C. Wiskerke. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems. Taylor Francis and Group Limited, p. 38–49.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. “Business and Sustainability: The Camisea Project in the Peruvian Amazon Basin,” in Gabriel Eweje (ed.) Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Emerging Trends in Developing Economies (Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability, Volume (8) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p.215 – 240.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. “The Ayni Principle: An Indigenous theory of value creation, in Chellie Spiller and Rachel Wolfgramm (ed.) “Indigenous spirituality at work: Transforming the spirit of business enterprise,” Volume (5) Information Age Publishing Inc, p. 99-116.

International Reports



 Jacobs, S., Mwampamba, T., Termansen, M., Ahn, S., Castro, Dendoncker N., A., Ghazi, H., Gundimeda, H., Huambachano M., Lee, H., Muckerjee, N., Nemogá, G., Palomo, I., Pandit R., Poofoun J., Schaafsma M., Hernandez M., Filyuskina A., Choi, A. in Chapter 3: Assessment of valuation methods, in IPBES (July 11, 2022).

The IPBES methodological assessment report on the diverse values and valuation of nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Balvanera P., Baptiste B., Christie M., Pascual U., and Gonzalez-Jimenez D., (editors). IPBES Secretariat, Bonn, Germany.


FAO HLPE - High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition: Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems.

H. Wittman, B. White, M. Huambachano, I. Arulingam, J. Leandro, C. Mungai, P. Termine, E. Nicoletis and A. Korzenszky, FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS), Rome, Italy.


Huambachano, Mariaelena. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Division for Inclusive Social Development – Indigenous Peoples. United Nations Report on the Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Development on Indigenous Territories– UN E/C.19/2018/7

English | Français | Español | Русский | ﺮﻋ  | 汉语


Huambachano, Mariaelena. Brown International Research Institutes (BIARI). Report on Climate Change as a Trigger for Innovative Practices in Small-holder Farming Systems (Climate Change TIPiFS). (BIARI) of the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University, USA.


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE): “Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition”. Rome, CFS HLPE-FSN. Shankar, B, Battersby, J, Harris, J; Hicks, C, Huambachano Mariaelena, Manohar, S, Nisbett, N. FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS), Rome, Italy.

Fellowships, Grants & Awards


Collaboration for Unprecedented Success and Excellence (CUSE) Grant Program, USA $25,000


Research Project: Our own foods as healing: The role of Indigenous food-ways in restoring justice and leading a health and well-being agenda.

The Jeannette K. Watson Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities Grant, $35,000

Awarded by the Humanities Center at Syracuse University to co- host Indigenous (Māori) philosopher Krushil Watene in Spring 2024.


Ray and Smith Humanities Grant, Syracuse University, USA $15,000 Symposium: “Our own foods as healing: rights, resilience and restoring health and wellbeing”.


Fall Research Competition, UW-Madison, USA $40,000

Research Project: Indigenous Knowledge, Biodiversity, and Regenerative Food Systems


Global Health Institute – UW, Madison, USA $23,600

Research Project: Living Well: Indigenous Philosophies for Global Resilient Food Systems.


Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies (CommNS) – UW, Madison, USA ($9,940)

Research Project: Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the Americas and Beyond.




Nelly McNally Fellowship – UW, Madison, USA

New Zealand Embassy Research Grant (US $10,000)

Research Project: Scaling up Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Biodiversity Preservation in the Highlands of Peru to Promote Sustainable Development Goal Number 2 (Zero Hunger and Poverty).

Emerging Scholar Award, “International Food Security,” The Common Ground Publisher Ltd, Vancouver, Canada (US $600)


College of Humanities Faculty Research Award for “Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Sustainability, and Justice.” Office of the Dean of the College of Humanities, CSUN ($10,000).


Salomon Mini-Grant Award for “Climate Justice and Biodiversity Preservation” Office of the Vice President for Research, Brown University ($500).


Academic Programming Fund for “Political Agroecology and Indigenous Entrepreneurship.” Office of the Dean of the College of Humanities, CSUN ($450).



Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, Summer Research Grant ($3,000) Brown University

Institute of Environmental Science and Research (NZ$19,000)

Reserach Project: "Indigenous Perspectives of Food Security Within The Context of Climate Change: First Nations-Māori people.”














Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship, Brown University

Competitive Travel Grant, Food & Health Program, The University of Auckland (NZ$2,500)

Doctoral Publication Award, The University of Auckland (NZ$1,000)

Food and Health Programme Seed Funding Award (NZ$10,000) for “He kai kei aku ringa”— “The food is in my hand”: Local and global perspectives on Indigenous food security within the

context of climate change.”

Doctoral Publication Award, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (NZ $1,000)

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) (NZ$3,000)

Reserach Project: “Food Security and Indigenous knowledge: Māori and Andeans of Peru”.

Doctoral Publication Award, The University of Auckland (NZ$1,000)

Doctoral Research Travel Award, The University of Auckland (NZ$ 2,500)

Doctoral Conference Travel Award, The University of Auckland (NZ $ 2,500)

Best paper Award, The University of Auckland Doctoral Conference (NZ$1,000)

Doctoral Publication Award, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (NZ$1,000)

Doctoral Conference Travel Grant, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (NZ$2,500)

Graduate Scholar Award, The Common Ground Publisher Ltd, Vancouver, Canada (NZ $500)


Humanities Center Faculty Fellowships (Arts & Sciences), Spring 2024


National Endowment for The Humanities – Summer Stipend, 2024 USD $6,000


Invited Talks

(* Scheduled and/or moved online due to COVID-19)


Selected Speaker, in the Indigenous Food Security and Technologies Distinguished Lecture Series. Organized by the University of California, Berkley, USA, 20th November 2024.


Keynote Speaker, in the Yachaynik (Indigenous cultures) Summit. Organized by the Chirapaq, Ayacuho, Peru, 11th October 2024.


Selected Speaker, in the National and Ecosystem Assessment Initiative Global Workshop (NEA) organized by UNESCO and UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 17-21 September 2024, Cambridge, UK


Selected Speaker, in the in the Thailand the National and Ecosystem Assessment Initiative Global Workshop (NEA) and Indigenous Local Knowledge (ILK) Authors Workshop organized by UNESCO and UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 12-14 July in Bangkok, Thailand.


Invited Speaker, in the Climate Justice: Transdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Conversations Workshop, organized by the Center for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs 3⁄4 “Seeding a Movement: Seeding a Movement: Insights from Indigenous Food Sovereignty”. University of St Andrews, Edinburgh, Scotland 29th to 30th May 2024.


Selected Speaker, in the UNESCO Indigenous and Local Knowledge Expert Meeting for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Paris, France, 18th to 20th June 2024.


Invited Speaker, in the Enabling Diverse Knowledge-Systems Workshop. Organized by the University of Leipzig. Hannover, Germany, 13th June 2024.


Selected Speaker, in the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) on the theme "Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, United Nations Head Quarters, NYC, 15-26 April 2024.


Selected Speaker, in the UNESCO Indigenous and Local Knowledge Workshop, Agadir, Morocco, 13-16th December 2023.


Selected Speaker, in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden from 6th to 8th November 2023.


Invited Speaker, in the Food Sovereignty Panel on Climate Justice at Lawrence University, Wisconsin, Tuesday 18th to Wednesday 19th April 2023.


Invited Speaker, in the Casa de las Americas Spring Lectures, We Want Foods That Tell Our Stories: Reclaiming and Reviewing Indigenous Food Sovereignty, City University of New York (CUNNY), Wednesday 31st 2023.


Invited Speaker, in the Food Sovereignty Panel on Climate Justice at Lawrence University, Wisconsin, Tuesday 18th to Wednesday 19th April 2023.


Invited Speaker, in the Law Review's 2023 Symposium on Environmental Justice. Organized by the University of Miami Law Review (UMLR), Coral Gables, Miami, 10th to 11th February 2023.


Invited Speaker, in the Coastal Carolina University’s Colloquium on Sustainability.

Organized by the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies, Conway/Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 7th April 2023.


Invited Speaker, in the UN 2022 Sustainable Development Transformation Forum (SDTF). “Forum during Session 4 (on SDG 15 – Life on Land)” organized by the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), South Korea, 3rd March 2022.


Invited Speaker, in the virtual Symposium “Towards A Flora of the Future: An Initiative on Forensic Botany, Climate Activism, Territorial Justice, and Liberatory Feminism”, organized by the University of Virginia, School of Architecture, 6th January 2022.


Keynote speaker, in the virtual Global Awareness Conference at SUNY Oswego, “Indigenous Food Sovereignty”, hosted by the Oswego, State University of New York, 5th November 2021.


Invited Speaker, in the Global Network of Agriculture Sciences Gathering, to discuss about the “High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition: Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems”, organized by the “Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences”, 6th October 2021.


Invited Speaker, in the virtual FAO COP26 and World Food Forum, “Harnessing the power of youth for enhanced climate action in the lead up to COP26”, Co-Organizers: Government of the Netherlands and the FAO Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB), 1st October 2021.


Keynote speaker, in the virtual Global and Health Conference, “Connecting Scientific Knowledge and Indigenous Wisdom,” which will be hosted by the Global and Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin, Madison on 14th April 2021.


Invited Guest Lecture, in the course ‘Sustainability and Well-Being,’ taught by Professor Hannah Wittman at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada on 19 January 2021.


Invited Speaker, in the virtual Fall Distinguished Speakers Series, hosted by the department of Geography and Geology at West Virginia University, 15th October 2020.


Invited Webinar Speaker, in the ‘Earth Day Conference, “Indigenous Food Systems,’ hosted by the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, UW, Madison on 20 April 2020.


Invited Webinar Speaker in response to COVID-19, “Indigenous Good Living Philosophies linked to Indigenous Food Systems”, organized by KIN Knowledge Network, Aotearoa New Zealand, 14th April 2020.


Invited Speaker, in the “IPBES Nature Values Assessment’s Second Author Meeting” for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on “diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature”, which will be hosted by UNESCO in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country-Spain, from 21-15 October 2019.


Invited Speaker, in the UNESCO World Forum “Culture and Food: Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Development” held on 12 and 13 September 2019 in Parma, Italy.


Invited Speaker, in the “Indigenous and local knowledge dialogue workshop” for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on “diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature”, which will be hosted by UNESCO in Paris, France, from 20-21 March 2019.


Invited Speaker, in the 18th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) under the theme of “Traditional knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection”. UN Headquarters in New York from 22 April to 3 May 2019.


Invited Speaker, “Food is Sacred: It is our “Right to Food and Holistic Well-being” in the “Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ (Intellectual House)” Indigenous Foods and Ecological Knowledge Symposium,” The University of Washington, Seattle from 3-4 May 2019.


Invited Speaker, “Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Justice and Well-being,” The Centre for Sustainable Food Systems. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 24.


Invited Speaker “Indigenous Ecologies of Well-being and Sustainable Development.” Beedie School of Business, Faculty of Graduate Studies. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, October 22.


Expert Speaker, “Enacting Food Sovereignty in New Zealand and Peru”, Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Development in Territories of Indigenous Peoples.” United Nations Head Quarters, New York, January 23-25.


Invited Speaker, “Ecological Philosophies, Food Sovereignty and Justice”, Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy. New York City, NY, April 15.


Keynote speaker, “Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the Anthropocene: Symposium on Eating in the Anthropocene,” Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, April 26-27.


Distinguished Speaker Seminar, “Biodiversity, Food Sovereignty and Justice in Food Systems,” Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, March 2018


Keynote Speaker, “The Khipu Model: An Indigenous Political Theory and Research Methodology.” The Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University, March 15.


Invited Speaker, “Food, Agriculture, and the Sustainable Development Goals,” Institute at Brown for the Environment and Society, Brown University, Providence, RI, April 5.


Invited Speaker, “The Right to Food Security/Sovereignty as seen through an Indigenous Lens.” Watson Institute of International Affairs and The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Brown University, April 12.


Invited Speaker, “Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice,”

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.” United Nations, Head Quarters, New York, 24 April 2018.


Invited Speaker, “Seed sovereignty and biopiracy issues threatening food security.” United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), New York, UN Headquarters, April 24.


Keynote Speaker, “Revitalizing the Food Systems, Well-Being and Development,” Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Agricultural and Food Sovereignty Summit, Michigan, United States, April 22.


Keynote Speaker, “Enacting Food Sovereignty in New Zealand and Peru: Revitalizing Indigenous Knowledge, and Food Practices,” Indian Valley Organic Farming, San Francisco, CA, April 29.


Invited speaker, “The Khipu Model: An Indigenous Research-Based Methodology,” Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, Brown University, Providence - U.S.A, April 7.


Invited expert commentator, “Taiwan and the Pacific” and “Global Indigeneity,” Transpacific Taiwan International Symposium. Brown University, Providence, 21 November.


Invited Speaker, “International Food Systems: New Zealand, Peru and First Nations People: Great Lakes Intertribal Food Summit,” Gun Lake Pottawatomi’s Jijak Camp, Michigan, United States, April 21-24.


Invited Speaker, “Sustainable development and governance: Treaty Rights and Indigeneity.” Massey University – Albany, Auckland, New Zealand, March 24.


Invited Speaker, “Through an Indigenous lens, Food security is Food Sovereignty: Case studies of Māori of Aotearoa and Andean people of Peru,” Pennsylvania State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education and Co-sponsored by Penn State’s Inter- Institutional Center for Indigenous Knowledge, The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, PA, April 27.


Invited Speaker, “Kai Mārika ("Absolutely Food"): Workshop on First Nations, Māori and Quechua peoples’ Food Security,” The University of Auckland Business School and the Mira Szászy Research Centre for Māori and Pacific Economic Development, Auckland, New Zealand, November 14.


Invited speaker, “Indigenous Knowledge as Key for the Development of a Food Sovereignty Framework,” Center for Advanced Study of International Development, Michigan State University, MI, October 16.

International Conference and Workshop Presentations


International Fund of Agriculture Development (IFAD) Conference. Paper entitled. Refocusing Youth Employment in Food Systems: Understanding the Role of Agency and the Right to Work for Decent Work and Food Systems’ Transformation. Rome, Italy, 21-24 June 2022.


9th Biennial International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC) 2020, paper entitled “Indigenous Wellbeing Philosophies linked to Regenerative Food Systems.” University of Waikato, New Zealand, 18 - 20 November 2020.


Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA), paper entitled “Indigenous Philosophies of Wellbeing: Kai (food) sovereignty in Aotearoa New Zealand and Peru”. Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 June to 3rd July 2020.


Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA), paper entitled “ILO Convention no.

169: Opportunities and Challenges for Indigenous Peoples’ 30 Years On.” UCL Institute of Education, London, 9-11th September 2019.


Native American Indigenous Association (NAISA), paper presented entitled “In Indigenous Food Sovereignty We Trust: It is our “Right to Food and Dignity” in the “Food Sovereignty in Practice: Eating, Cooking, and Growing in Indigenous North America, Latin America, and Oceania Panel.” University of Waikato, New Zealand, June 26-29.


Native American Indigenous Association (NAISA), paper presented entitled “Seed Sovereignty, Climate Justice and Well-being” in the international “Indigenous Seed Sovereignty from Oceania, Latin America and North America” panel. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), CA, May 17-19.


Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFVH) and Association for the Study of Food and Society, paper entitled “Seed Sovereignty in Aotearoa New Zealand and Peru: ‘He kai kei aku ringa’—‘the food is in my hand.” Madison, Wisconsin, WI, June 13-16.


Native American Indigenous Association (NAISA), paper presented about Enacting Food Sovereignty in New Zealand and Peru: Revitalising ecological philosophies and Indigenous development, in the international “Indigenous Food Sovereignty” panel. Vancouver, Canada. June 22-24.


Environmental Climate Justice Conference, paper presented about “Revitalising Indigenous Knowledge, Food Practices and Ecological Philosophies,” Sydney, Australia, November 8.


IFIP’s Latin America Indigenous Funders Conference, paper presented on “Indigenous Food Systems and Alternative Frameworks to Development: Objiwe/Anniishinabeg (North America), Māori people, and Quechua peoples”. Lima, Peru, October 26.


Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Agricultural and Food Sovereignty Summit, paper entitled “Indigenous Knowledge and Food Security: Buen Vivir/Allin Kawsay in the Andes and Te Atanoho Aotearoa-New Zealand”. Great Lake Pottawatomi, Hopkins, Michigan, MI, April 26.


Agrifood Research Network Conference XXII paper entitled “Indigenous Knowledge: A key for the development of an alternative food security framework.” University of Otago,

Queenstown, New Zealand, December 5-7.



Global Food Security Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 12-13.

The University of Auckland Doctoral Conference, paper entitled “The Ayni (Reciprocity) Principle: An Indigenous Theory of Value Creation”. Auckland - New Zealand, September 10-11.


United Nations Climate Change Conference, paper entitled “Scaling up pathways of food sovereignty and Climate Change: A case study of Lares region of Peru,” Lima- Peru, December 10.


International Food Studies Conference, paper entitled “Indigenous Good living principles as a key for food security,” Prato-Italy, October 9-10.


United Nations (UN) Doctoral Workshop on the Sustainable Development Millennium Goals Post Agenda 2015” paper entitled “Indigenous knowledge is vital for the preservation of biodiversity for Food Security.” Columbia University, NYC, March 12-14.


Climate Change Conference, paper entitled “Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Resilience,” Palmerston North, New Zealand, June 24.


International Business Conference, paper entitled “Indigenous Peoples’ cultural values are Fundamental for the Advancement of Sustainable Development Initiatives”, Hobart, Australia. December 5.


International Conference of Sustainable Development, paper entitled “An analysis of Environmental Policies: The New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme”. Vancouver, Canada, January 11-13.


International Conference of Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability, paper entitled “Sustainable Development in South America: A case study of the agricultural sector of Peru.” Hamilton, New Zealand, January 3-5.

Latin American Studies Association (LASA), paper presented entitled We want Foods that tell our story: revival of Indigenous Philosophies of Well-being and Food Sovereignty, Canadian Convention Centre, Vancouver, May 23-27.


Native American Indigenous Association (NAISA), paper entitled “Seeding Hope: Indigenous Women's Roles in Transforming Food Systems.” in the “Indigenous Futurisms: Walking in the Sacred Paths to reclaim Food Sovereignty.” Norway, Bødo, June 8-10 2024.



Native American Indigenous Association (NAISA), paper presented entitled “Architects of Lifeways Abundance: Indigenous Values and Food Sovereignty as key for buildingholistic/collective well-being.” in the “Rematriating Cultures of Well-Being Panel: Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Sustainability, and Seeds of Hope.” University of Toronto, Canada, May 10-13.

Teaching and Mentoring Experience

Syracuse University, USA

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Instructor, NAT/REL 300 “Indigenous Food Cosmologies”

Instructor, NAT/REL 300 “Indigenous Food Cosmologies”

Instructor, NAT/400/600 “Reclaiming Indigenous Intellectual Sovereignty” (Research Methodology)

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Fall 2019

Instructor, CSCS 345: Strategic Planning for Non-profit & Community Organizations

Instructor, CSCS 812: Mixed and Indigenous Methods in Community Research

Spring 2020

Instructor, CSCS 345: Strategic Planning for Non-profit & Community Organizations

 California State University, Northridge

Spring 2019

Instructor, Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Sustainability

Instructor, Global Indigenous Studies

Fall 2018

Instructor, Introduction to American Indian Studies

Instructor, Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Sustainability

Brown University

Spring 2018

Instructor, Global Indigeneity, Sustainability and Food Politics

Spring 2017

Instructor, International Indigenous Studies cross-listed with the Center for Latin American Studies, American Studies and Anthropology

The University of Auckland - New Zealand

Fall 2015

Tutor for the graduate business course “Globalization and Development” The University of Auckland

Spring 2013

Fall 2013

Tutor for the undergraduate course ‘Introduction to International Business” The University of Auckland

Tutor for the undergraduate course “Business Ethics and Society” The University of Auckland

Guest Lecturer

Brown University

PLCY 2555: Environmental Policy, From the ground Up (2017); on Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge Systems, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Biodiversity Preservation.

The University of Auckland

MGMT 737: Sustainability (2016): on Global Food Security

Massey University, Aoteaora New Zealand

13.218: Environmental Philosophy (2016); on Environmental Justice

15.203: Business and Sustainability (2015); On Environmental Policy: The New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme.

University of British Columbia, Canada

LFS 250 Lan, Food and Community: Indigenous well-being as seen through an Indigenous lens.

Mentoring & Student Support

  • Meeting on a weekly basis with students: offer support in research skills, critical analysis, theory, and writing for both a wider professional audience and interdisciplinary scholars

  • Advise students on development projects, environmental and food-related community research projects , and cross- disciplinary courses offering.

  • Help connect prospective graduate and non-graduate students with faculty members, local and global community partners in project-based learning experiences that support student development and advance community needs.

Fall 2022

Instructor, NAT 400/600 “Indigenous Food Cosmologies"

Instructor, NAT/REL 200 “Indigenous Food Cosmologies"

Spring 2022

Instructor, NAT 400/600 “Reclaiming Indigenous Intellectual Sovereignty"

Spring 2023

Instructor, NAT 400/600 "Indigenous Research Methodologies"

Instructor, NAT/REL 400/600 “Food Fights and Treaty Rights"

Fall 2023

Instructor, NAT/REL 400/600 “Indigenous Food Cosmologies"

Instructor, NAT/REL 400/600 “Indigenous Research Methodologies"

Fall 2024

Instructor, NAT/REL 200 “Indigenous Food Sovereignty"


2020 - 2021

Visiting Senior International Scholar in the School of Humanities at Massey University in Albany - New Zealand

2020 - 2021

Visiting Senior International Scholar in the Dame Mira Szászy Research Centre at the University of Auckland Business School in New Zealand

2019 - Present

2018 - 2021

2018 - Present

2018 - Present

2018 - Present

2018 - Present

2015 - Present

Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA): Agency, Well-Being and Justice

4W Director of Biodiversity Protection and Indigeneity, UW-Madison

The 4W Leadership Circle (Women & Wellbeing in Wisconsin & the World)

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Research Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW-Madison

Nelson Institute of Environment Studies, UW-Madison

Research Center for Culture, History and Environment, UW-Madison

Latin American Center and Iberian Studies Program at the UW-Madison.

UN, Delegate and Associate Researcher in the Academic Network of the United Nations Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples’ Issues (UNPFII), Headquarters in NYC, U.S.A

International and Community Engaged Scholarship

2020 - 2021

FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS) High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) Project Team Member: 16th HLPE report on “Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems.”

2020 - Present

Member of the Executive Council of Chirapaq (Center of Indigenous Cultures)

Chirapaq is a Peruvian indigenous association formed by Andean and Amazonian people, who work for the affirmation of the cultural identity and the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples.

2019 - Present

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Lead Author, Values Assessment of Nature. IPBES Report on methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits

2018 - Present

Elected Secretariat, Abyiayala (Latin Indigeneity) Academic Network, this network was established in 2016 to strengthen Indigenous Scholarship in the Americas in conjunction with the Native American Indigenous Association (NAISA).

2022 - Present

FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS) High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) Project Team Member: 18th HLPE report on “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition.”

2024 - Present

Expert for the task force on Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Professional Associations

Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA)

American Food Sovereignty Network (NAFSN)

Agriculture, Food, and Human Values (AFHVS)

Australian and New Zealand Agri-Food Research Network

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association (SAEA)

Native American Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA)

Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA)

Latin American Studies Association (LASA)

Academic Service

2019 – 2021

Director of Indigeneity and Biodiversity – UW-Madison 4W Health and Well-being

2019 – 2021

Advisor – Global Health Institute – UW-Madison-Wisconsin

2016 – 2018

Research Associate - Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity (CSREA), Brown University.

2016 – 2018

Conference Organizing Committee Member, “International Funders of Indigenous Peoples (IFIP),” Pacific Region Hui (Conference), Opotiki, New Zealand

2016 – Present

Cultural Consultant - Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP), and Office of Research Integrity (ORI) - Brown University.

2015– 2016

Elected Business School - PhD Candidate Representative

2013 – Present

Associate Editor “The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability The Common Ground Publishers, Illinois Urban Champaign, U.S.A

2010 – Present

Associate Editor “Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability.” The Common Ground Publishers, Illinois Urban Champaign, U.S.A

2021– Present

Advisor – Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice Center Syracuse University

As a Referee and Assessor

2018 – Present

 Journal Reviewer – AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples

2018 – Present

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, peer-reviewed scientific journal

2015 – Present

Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, peer-reviewed scientific journal

2011 – Present

The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, peer-reviewed scientific journal

2018 – Present

Journal Reviewer – Food, Culture & Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.

Professional Language Proficiency

Fluent in English

Fluent in Spanish

Well-versed in Indigenous languages of Māori and Quechua

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