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International Reports

Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition .png

Shankar, B, Battersby, J, Harris, J; Hicks, C, Huambachano Mariaelena, Manohar, S, Nisbett, N. FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS), Rome, Italy.


(July 11, 2022) UNESCO IPBES - Jacobs, S., Mwampamba, T., Termansen, M., Ahn, S., Castro, Dendoncker N., A., Ghazi, H., Gundimeda, H., Huambachano M., Lee, H., Muckerjee, N., Nemogá, G., Palomo, I., Pandit R., Poofoun J., Schaafsma M., Hernandez M., Filyuskina A., Choi, A. 


The IPBES methodological assessment report on the diverse values and valuation of nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).Balvanera P., Baptiste B., Christie M., Pascual U., and Gonzalez-Jimenez D., (editors). IPBES Secretariat, Bonn, Germany.


(2021)  H. Wittman, B. White, M. Huambachano, I. Arulingam, J. Leandro, C. Mungai, P. Termine, E. Nicoletis and A. Korzenszky, FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS), Rome, Italy.


(2018) United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Division for Inclusive Social Development – Indigenous Peoples – UN E/C.19/2018/7

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Report on Climate Change as a Trigger for Innovative Practices in Small-holder Farming Systems (Climate Change TIPiFS)

(2017) Brown International Research Institutes (BIARI) of the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University, USA.

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